The Fairy Hollow Gold Treasure Adventure

Book 3 – The Fairy Hollow Chronicles

The Fairy Hollow Gold Treasure Adventure is the third book in The Fairy Hollow Chronicles series.
Have you ever wanted to meet a pirate? In this story, Rascal Alan discovers an old treasure map. He must find this treasure! But wait, there are pirates in Fairy Cove. The four fairies Christy, Katie, Lizzie and Megan have begun their Fairy Flying Company deliveries. Who do they see but pirates on a ship? Could they be connected? Who is Mr. Bridges? Would you like to work for Captain Bootlace Bill? Follow the characters as they search for the lost treasure and find the missing baby unicorn Rosie, who is lost again! What a happy ending for Fairy Hollow folk as they learn from the kindness of others. This event is life-changing for our villains, Rascal Alan and Maybelline Coyote. Join the fun as everyone searches for the gold.
“Congratulations on completing the book! The cover is so charming!”
Sylvia Taylor, Editor
Soft cover edition – 6×9 – Full Colour Illustrations – 66 pages
ISBN: 978-1-7774331-2-3 Published by Sally de la Rue Browne
Written by Sally de la Rue Browne, Illustrations by Barbara Warwick
Printed and bound in Victoria, BC by First Choice Books
Have questions about ordering? Please contact Sally de la Rue Browne.
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“It’s my favourite story to read with my grandpa.” Nathan, Age 5
“I like the pirates!” Edison, Age 4
“I want to be a pirate like Captain Bootlace Bill.” Amy, Age 8