Characteristics of the Plot

What characteristics does the writer consider when deciding the characters in a plot? I am working on a future book based on my mother’s experiences in England during World War 2. I know there are a lot of books written about women and the war. However, my mother did something unique. She volunteered in London at the Beaver Club. This was a place where Canadian soldiers could come to get sandwiches, coffee, new socks and maps to get around London while on leave. Of course, I won’t be calling the book The Beaver Club for obvious reasons. The working title is The Maple Leaf Club. The Club had various women volunteering there mainly with the food preparation and serving. Many of the women have long since passed away and perhaps their sons and daughters didn’t know much about it. The book I plan to write includes a murder in the Club and the life of Olive, the main character, who works as a secretary for a British firm and really wants to start a new life in Canada.

Research is required for this book. The photos I have of my Mother are helpful and the reunion photo is amazing. Many ladies fit into one large photo but all in black and white. I once asked my mother if she had dated anyone at the club. She replied, “Oh no, not me. I was too shy!”

What stands out in this story is the selflessness of the women who volunteered their time to work in the Beaver Club in London in the middle of the war. Life in wartime London was tough enough but these ladies volunteered their time to help Canadians. I’m looking forward to researching this book and learning what my mother experienced during the war.

My mother as a young woman in London, England.

A New Year Brings New Stories

Sally with her second book Foxglove Squirrel Saves The Day! Illustrated by Barbara Warwick

Looking Ahead in 2022

A new year brings ideas for new stories! Every author hopes this is true. As we begin 2022 with high cases of Covid, I am following up on my goals to complete the Fairy Hollow Chronicles series.

This Spring, the third book in the series will be published called The Fairy Hollow Gold Treasure Adventure. Another adventure story for all the characters in Fairy Hollow introducing some new ones as well. How would you feel if you found an old treasure map? Would you try to find the treasure on your own or get help? Have you ever spoken to a real life pirate before? Can pirates be kind or are they all mean and interested only in treasure? Is Foxglove Squirrel about to uncover the truth? These are some questions that will be answered in the book.

Book 1 Fairy Hollow Chronicles by Sally de la Rue Browne Illustrated by Barbara Warwick

New Ideas

Three lovely ladies in England before WW2. My Mother is the lady on the left.

Many books have been written about WW2 and some are quite popular right now such as the Rose Code and Code Name Helene. These are all fabulous stories. My idea for the next book is about my mother’s experiences working for a club in London for Canadian soldiers. It was called The Beaver Club but will be The Maple Leaf Club for my story. Few people know that the Canadians were looked after in this club with food, help with travel around London using the underground and buses, reading newspapers, and getting health and lodging advice. It will be a fascinating story especially with a murder and a visit from Royalty! It’s hard to imagine a club without cell phones, computers and big screen TVs as we have today. The club was unique in London because soldiers could get pancakes with real maple syrup which became their Canadian experience away from home.

A Canadian soldier getting advice at the club.
Reading newspapers at the club.

Writing It Down

It’s always challenging to come up with a wonderful story to entertain the reader. I hope to have this book about the club finished by the end of 2022.

Food For Thought

Chocolate Cake

Another book that is in the works is a cookbook with food safety practices. Here is a chocolate cake which is my recipe made with spelt flour. With my background in public health, I’m well aware of the need for safe practices when preparing food. Fortunately, cakes don’t present much of a risk except too many calories unless you want to eat raw cake batter! Flour can contain E.coli which is destroyed by cooking. It’s now not a good idea to taste raw cookie or cake batter for that reason due to the risk of food poisoning.

Writing Updates

The writer's desk
The blank page is a challenging start!

These ideas for new story lines are a challenging beginning to the new year! I will write more in future posts.

Best wishes to everyone for a better 2022!