6 Facts About Cream Teas That You Didn’t Know!

Is Tea Popular?
It does seem like everyone drinks a large amount of coffee. However, tea is still popular too. My British parents drank tea with milk daily. Coffee wasn’t in our house as tea was the way to go! I always remember my mother, who lived through WW2, saying that she had to give up sugar in her tea, then milk and also get used to plain tea. She was so thankful when she could finally have milk back in her tea. One thing she never had was cream in her tea!

What is a Cream Tea?
If you visit Victoria, you will have the chance for afternoon tea in various restaurants from the Oak Bay Tearoom, Butchart Gardens and even the Empress Hotel. Afternoon tea was introduced to England, in the year 1840, by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford. She would become hungry around four o’clock in the afternoon. The evening meal was served fashionably late at eight o’clock, which left a long period of time between lunch and dinner, so the afternoon tea was born. Others liked the idea and, before she knew it, the afternoon tea had become all the rage which included tea, dainty sandwiches and scones with cream and jam. Cream tea became part of the afternoon tea as well.

Devon or Cornish – Which Is The Best Way?

What is the Difference?
The traditional cream tea, also referred to as Devonshire cream tea, is a specialty of Cornwall and Devon in England where a pot of tea is served with scones, clotted cream and jam. The scone is a single-serving unsweetened cake, with typical ingredients of flour, butter and milk. Clotted cream is a smooth, thick cream traditionally made in Devon and Cornwall. Unpasteurized cow’s milk is heated and left in a shallow pan for many hours which causes the cream to rise to the surface and “clot”.
Devon Cream Teas
The cream is like the butter. You wouldn’t put butter on jam.
Jam was expensive so you only needed a small amount on top.
You can get more cream if you place it on the scone first!

Cornish Cream Teas
It’s easier to spread with the cream on top and jam on the bottom of the scone.
You can taste the cream better on top!
You wouldn’t put cream on the bottom of a fruit salad.

It Doesn’t Matter!
The main thing is to enjoy the cream tea or afternoon tea and use the cream and jam whichever way you like!

I will be including a recipe for scones in my upcoming cookbook.